Reclaim Your Life

Welcome to Kirpa Foundation

Embark on a journey of personalized addiction recovery with our compassionate professionals at Kirpa Foundation. Regain hope and empowerment in a safe, supportive environment.

Our Comprehensive Recovery Services Include

Our Services


Personalized addiction recovery programs tailored to your needs, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and holistic treatments.

Supportive Environment

Compassionate professionals dedicated to creating a safe and supportive space for your recovery journey.

Hope and Empowerment

Established in 2005, Kirpa Foundation has been a beacon of hope for many individuals seeking recovery.

Why Choose Us

Our Unique Value Proposition

Compassionate Professionals
Tailored Recovery Programs
Supportive Community
Established Beacon of Hope

Transform Your Life Today

Discover our personalized addiction recovery programs and begin your journey to a healthier future.

Our Story

About Kirpa Foundation

Kirpa Foundation, a renowned rehabilitation center in Mohali, Chandigarh, specializes in addiction recovery programs. Established in 2005, our compassionate professionals provide holistic treatments and a safe environment for individuals seeking recovery.

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Client Stories


Kirpa Foundation changed my life. The staff’s dedication and support were instrumental in my recovery journey.

John Smith

I found solace and healing at Kirpa Foundation. The personalized therapy helped me regain control over my life.

Emily Johnson

The holistic approach at Kirpa Foundation was truly transformative. Grateful for the care and understanding I received.

Sarah White

Take the First Step Towards Recovery

Contact us today to start your journey to a healthier and addiction-free life.

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